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shrine12 f
Nstra. Snra. de las Bombillas.
( Our Lady of the Light-bulbs )
The Shrine to Ntra. Snra. de las Bombillas features twin Random Divinity Selector wheels set amongst various relics collected from the mountains, deserts and beaches of Spain.
A coin, when inserted as votive offering to Ntra. Snra., activates the prayer mechanisms and illuminates the divine light-bulbs.
In the lower section an Alchemical Substances and Processes Selector provides the mechanism of Transubstantiation which converts the baser elements of plastic ice-cream spoons, broken light-bulbs and rotting fruit into their higher counterparts.
Patent # 43873485-333
Made in Spain. March-May '98
Currently on loan for exhibition at 'Temple Tattu' Brighton. U.K.