One of the eater glides backwards from the rest of them standing In frozen poses of mock horror and the camera zooms In until his face fills the screen.He speaks into the camera; " I knew these wild care-free people in their authent- ic setting ;often seen ripping a goat to pieces from horse back, would always, where ever they may be, return at night-fall to the comfort of the television set dream of owning that second car or new mouth wash; they had tasted the better life and there was to be no going back.. .If the state tried to intervene, and take progress back ten or twenty years, there would almost certainly be a bitter struggle, blood shed and even revo- -lution. These people were getting rich; and loving It." The camera pans out to show the exiles still frozen as there mouths sillently says the words; "The American way' Specks appear in the air becoming solid and plastic-like flashing pieces of film dirt decay: the exiles stare on as the light fades out into blackness. The organ player emits the sickly emotional sound syrup catching throats is seizures reverberating, rising from the center of the stage. "time is desroyed/as twas n ha cce zn caid medievi i eermau/he w bire for all to se /he inhait hy ere le ut the non-formnes of hrown no the bsy sof the nwhre id ../the nwhe e mi , , the monk i gre t masso wres a dmchinerythat unoticed vei et curtainpulled ba tele isio rens/ om with he d iniayig their bic srees,alrin cl some in o tpemacines lopng erati loopi gnowhere ///noye mind/,, particpu in its unor lilith cnsciousns will//ad will In Spain A.D 384 according to the newly Imposed Roman/christian calender, the Roman Invasion force is sweeping over the country: destroying all in these way in wide Time-loops setting up their own enforced Time measurement systems and transportation. These Roman oppressors cause the ripples of ever repeating Time segments to go out spinning Into past/present/future historical mutations: they are redifining history not mak- -ing It, in the pure sense; they are a vacuuous ftrce taking and never giving a thing. Transportation to enable the ' . whole country conquered.distorting future history by Time control; the past will always be defined using tha Roman terms; the Roman Time measurement; stolen is the language of history and as such the future is stolen'1 Roman colonial mentality rolls out from Time zone Spain far into the distant zones out over the horizon permeating far off events and actions for action is linked with time and they control time; that symbol of oppression; a round white face, bullwhip in hand against children 'riot ing'.White face with the deep engrained marking of control.. .Read control ' = Read control scum ", read or die, , those engrained symbols; the most wide spread and visible symbols spread by the Romans , ,worn by African, Indian, european, American allke;worn as a chain around the wrist, id entity card dictator-read the symbols of the Roman God that has radiated and increased in magnitude ever since; read dog; I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII .VIII. IX .X.XI .XII....... 'Repeating history repeating over; the roman invaders vomit over the hill, spewing bver the country-side. Speaks an expert on the Romans, studied at Chromatic Christ college for several years on the subject of the Roman invasion of Spain, here speakth; " well, the Romans ware one of the best things that could have happened to Spain at this Time.It was a backwards country with no empire of its own, hardly any industrial set-up and an ecconomy based on barttering -no money at all but the main problem Spain was having at that Time 32 One of the eater glides backwards from the rest of them standing in frozen poses of mock horror and the camera zooms In until his face fills the screen.He speaks into the camera; " I knew these wild care-free people in their authent- ic setting ;often seen ripping a goat to pieces from horse back, would always, where ever they may be, return at night-fall to the comfort of the television set dream of owning that second car or new mouth wash; they had tasted the better life and there was to be no going back.. .If the state tried to Intervene, and take progress back ten or twenty years, there would almost certainly be a bitter struggle, blood shed and even revo- -lution. These people were getting rich; and loving it." The camera pans out to show the exiles still frozen as there mouths siliently says the words; "The American way' Specks appear in the air becoming solid and plastic-like flashing pieces of film dirt decay: the exiles stare on as the light fades out into blackness. The organ player emits the sickly emotional sound syrup catching throats is seizures reverberating, rising from the center of the stage. "time is desroyed/as. twas n ha cce zr» caid medievi', Qermay/he w bire for all to se /he inhait h y ere le ut the non-formnes of hrown no the bsy sof the nwhre id ../the nwhe e mi / / the monk i gre t masso wres a dmchinerythat unoticed vei et curtainpuI led ba tele isio rens, om uith he d iniayig their bic srees/airm cl .some in o tpereacineslopng erati loopi gnowhere ///noye mind/,, particpu in its unor lilith cnsciousns will//ad will In Spain A.D 384 according to the newly Imposed Roman/christian calender, the Roman invasion force is sweeping over the country: destroying all in these way in wide Time-loops setting up their own enforced Time measurement systems and transportation. These Roman oppressors cause the ripples of ever repeating Time segments to go out spinning into past/present/future historical mutations: they are rediflning history not mak- -ing it. In the pure sense; they are a vacuuous frrce taking and never giving a thing. Transportation to enable the ' . whole country conquered.distorting future history by Time control; the past will always be defined using tha Roman terms; the Roman Time measurement;stolen is the language of history and as such the future is stolen-1 Roman colonial mentality rolls out from Timezone Spain far into the distant zones out over the horizon permeating far off events and actions for action is linked with time and they control time; that symbol of oppression; a round white face, bullwhip in hand against children 'riot ing'.White face with the deep engrained marking of control.. .Read control ' = Read control scum ", read or die, , those engrained symbols; the most wide spread and visible symbols spread by the Romans , ,worn by African, Indian, european, American alike;worn as a chain around the wrist, id entity card dictator-read the symbols of the Roman God that has radiated and increased in magnitude ever since; read dog; I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII .VIII. IX .X.XI .XII....... ''Repeating history repeating over; the roman invaders vomit over the hill, spewing bver the country-side. Speaks an expert on the Romans, studied at Chromatic Christ college for several years on the subject of the Roman Invasion of Spain, here speakth; " well, the Romans wa-e one of the best things that could have happened to Spain at this Time.It was a backwards country with no empire of its own, hardly any industrial set-up and an ecconomy based on barttering -no money at all but the main problem Spain was having at that Time 32