non-conformist behavour into 'harmless fantasy" in front of the video screen. . .Means; television progra- ming to allow unwanted elementals expression and "banishment through banality" Alternative comedians ( media co-operators ) at peak air time media units sound dubbed with sickly laugthter from a can. The other side of the can of worms being the govern- ment youth culture campaign.. .illeagal and undergro- und music and video games. I left the place in a state of got-to-k ill, break into real life . Passing the " Macdonalds massacre; destroy the multi-nationals from the comfort of the armchair." Back onto the streets devoid of media units; sleepy suburban central zone in a particularly mundane Time zone hidden from possibility: Turned on the television again..... "Nine million people can be wrong; watch- -ing the 'street' their minds have gone. Get out of there occures that death only happens in large crowds of people; stupidity slashed with official secrets, .rows of commuters; spainards in exile in use of the Roman train network, rows of cows jumping at the assailents knife, .cut cover to cover to display worm word like innards. commuters twisted magots mindless creeping insects become one twitching monster in the last death thoes of this larger insect chaotic creature a ball of squlrm- -ing magots around rotting flesh crushed worker ants cows head on the tiled area of open air butchers, .raise axe above, .working elementals insipid, the tube eleme- ntal place, , , , sever the mind elementals.'.' The machine begins to clog and the truly random eleme- -nta of its usage come into opperation... " Sigils in the everyday world are usually more visible but work on the same principles; the corporate identity the logo, advert is ing symbols ,runic effect lettering and the most wide spread magickal symbol;the uniform." SOME sadist some where is really getting off on liv- -ing out the Medieval traditional magifk of having a collection of sub-human spirit slaves to achieve their will for them; getting rich in the modem tradition. Rows of commuters in mad crush of yellow Insects blood worker ants to feed their fatten queen, of sadism's what i mean... a pleasent month with the warm weather pouring down on November cold streets, a relaxing walk upon the mall in london Timezone.. .The legs of the royal famll- -y slide gentley. into view, in the edge of the frame.. . .top edge suspended out of shot a metre above the ground swinging In a cold breeze, .someone echanges a " Warm for noveonber isn't it" though for what I dont know.. I try a well worn sesond-hand phrase low mlllage in part exchange for that old chllche.. " Fuck off granny. you smell of rotten flesh". All sixteen pairs of feet in blood stained shoes a piece, and their pleasent purple necks each with a fetching grey noose around it. I conteract the first statement with a conversational piece created on the spot; " I do admire those new sea— -rfs thatfergle and her kin wear nowadays: Fergle is really leading the pack with her neck wear this autumn; Fergie wows them in blood stuffed neck-noose, all the rage with royalty this year, functional at last: for nev- -er haye I seen a lovelier lamp post decoration than this which I behold today: each with, at last, a new separate personality for each royal, as they have never had before, in this wonderful month of November. " (insert month of choice) 2 9