SYLVIA VON MATTLOCK EXPERIMENT After the monks Arson experiments and the destruction of the Christian church somewhere far advanced into the new Aeon, we decided that our works of 'art' were becoming far too entrenched in the intellectual elite and should deal more with the everyday life. We wanted to expand the constriants of reality defint- -tlon in people of a certain mundain consumer Timezo- -ne that years of the churches control had created, cause changes that would leap into every unimaginable comer of life, and harken in the new Aeon far in the future. Our subjects were chosen again at random; a bingo membership card found by one of our Time monks while working for gateways supermarket, a powerfull link with the dreams of our/this Tlmezone,on this card the name and adress of a certain Mrs S.V.Mattlock was found and we at last had our sub j ect, bringing into exsistance a new phase of experiments. The following journal was recorded by an observant third party to get an accurate account from the outside; v-S'^^N^^^^ ^^•^^ ^£^i^ »-^^ f^Sli^ '11