In the great hall of the monastery where for centuries the monks had worshipped corupt non-exsistant gods now proven to be dead, where they had spread the lies • that Time exsists just to validate metaphysical madd- • -ness, in this great hall where monks had outlawed sex, drugs and trance states; labling these things as destroying an Imaginary "Ozone layer" that isolates humans from experiencing pure undiluted realism in which we would " shrivel surley in the pure reality of it all". In this great halJ where all lies and restrict - -lons were sudonly lifted: was the machine of anti- -Time built. Some called the machine a " Time machine", after having read science fiction stories of a later year, and seeing the machine from the view point that Time was Real. The machine was not however something that'the traveler sat in, set dials to the year they wished to be transported to and pulled a yard-long mechanical lever for the excuse of a lot of cheap animated effects of coloured circles spinning within each other squiggly lines and speeded up film of clouds shooting accross the sky/trees growing back into the ground rapidly. The machine was built from a completly different world view than that of the science fiction writers.The monks had reached a timeless state through their own efforts and not by a machine on which they depended, an omni- potent, all seeing, impermable eternal infinate, , , (the machine was not based on some stupid fucking god con- cept , OK ) The monks approached the problem from the fact that god is dead, never exsisted never will, god is dead so is Time all abstract ideas are lies; the actual work of the machine is in fact minimal, for the idea of a Time ma^h" -ine is contradictory in terms, Time does not exsist. How can you build a machine to travel through that which does not exsist:? :flsh swimming through the sky ( put two people on the fish one has a stick with a cloth