Follow did I .pathways of sure footed astral maglks,til did no shamen steop no more for desert and desertateon did 1 seak this demon Sands off pestuleance spread did ye in mind eye. thence came high castal and portace as never fore-seen betwixt poles off live and death. Beginn did I thee incantateons in no speckeal toungee nor code sayth I but;" appear ye beelzebubia; fore ye have no choice " Hold In left hand thee maglkeal sword fore power invoke I three norns off fate, light and dark be thee knowth. 0 evocateaon rip thees demon from thee earth be its slummber smahshed upon thee rocks off nesseccltee now. Shakth do we hamds.and go on ways differed pledge we not trodden paths follow, starve not they have not over trodent path off light take ye thee back way; and down with thee monks sack clothee. " rifl w W»$ ^•tUw ^u at nisifi? ra^ J tillBlaft/^BAfiS .1 UNEXPLAINED INTERUPTION. Believe me this writing of flaming hair.I am the written sec- -ret serpant colled to spring. Have ye a hundred mouthes full ot be of fatal destine weave. Beacause be e moon,division the house of torment. Knowing of the key to the rituals. Money fears your crapulous fears.Wyrd is random spun upon the looms of ritual. Wines and wines am I of.The wings unfurle and ready to str- -ike. The Gorilla of substance sporadically cut and sliced tattooed tounges. The stool an indestructable god. .Spainish gra'ee randomly sin- -ners chain of events; flame shatters bottle black wood devil. Glass on stone reaeal results in the blind belief- mythological loop. To volume viewers do we the church 6f glass and stone Jigsaw reel to reel mundain film of water wedding system. Believe me this writing of flaming hair. Your crapulous creed seek to entrap thee. Rapid and laugthterfull law: the wings and awake. : Under the circumstances 0 swell. CO infinity. / integral. : is to. < less than. X multiplication. ^> not greater than. : treHe clef "It not parallel. II parallel. a parallelogram. | perpendicular. prero lises tb® ^a1 .c&^® s^o^ yoM ^ Ml ithi11 th® next s^6" 35