, ,,,,arbetary non-existant forces as we have proven Time and time again" The last burnt match stick argued back, causing lord Arson to be .angry' at the expert metaphysics of the burning match stick. It continues; " , , and you think that this non-existant force will burn sinners In their cellars; surly you must be mad." conosluded the match; before the dying flame gave out a puff of smoke and disappeared into darkness. I the lord Arson placed a when in the midst of a conver- -sation. Lord Arson had been discusing Arson concern- -ing the subject they had . Subject I had to argue back on a highly metaphysical... Ignition has It on a sulphure stained finger. Lord Arson places a dead match onto burnt match onto the pile of several million others. I the flame of fire was created Arson on that matter that we had the match answers; " twisted magot" Back through sulphure head; twisted twigs. charred magots.on highly metephyslcal -stained fingers. I have requested possession. FRAGMENT OF THE FOUND SCRIPT A great blackness not have I seen afore falls over thee stained glass of sacred heart in great hall. Is monasteria cat, creature of frierelch- -shaven ripper claw. Thee cat on edge of glass spits out thornee claw off paw. Smite thee a fly bug on virginal blue kunt. Carry forever he doctor of leach leather bag, tophat and cloak as we all wear, but he with thee misty Whitechale feel centuries later than ye. With Its foul buzz and breath thee grelvance of this nail, swears he that thee bag intains no- -thing only fresh Incense . .but nothing. Cat chew It, ye can hear thee legs and soft head peel, splintter thee hall with stench off death, curl does it in pew not, but piss It on prelst cloaks hanging fresh no more, , ,that scurge of thee hall smell does he of catpiss candel grease after week -ends of quiet retreat with choir virgins and those; his maglkal scalples; for doubt not he beth witch and that eat is his elemental form; this I doubt not. ' S; Aqu?Tius. T Aries. fi ascending node. 0 asteroid (number in centre). ss Cancer. , V)- Capricornus. C' conjunction. degrees. 0 descending node. ® Earth. 0 Full Moon. U Gemini. •4 Jupiter. fi Leo. ,0, Libra. J Mars. $ Mercury. ' minutes. Moon's first quarter.) Moon's last quarter. Neptune. New Moon. c? opposition. X Pisces. Q quadrature. 2) <[ '+' f Sagittarius. I; Saturn. it Scorpio. " seconds. 0 Sun. Q Sun's lower limb 0 Sun's upper limb. 9 Taurus. V Uranus. $ Venus. VS. Virgo.