Jnder the disguise of offering " Equal oppoturities " To :he under-privalidged. .they get the old Bussinessman to speak to a group of the worst no-hopers long term un-em- -ployed in an attenopt to get them back in line. The methods are direct attitude toning sessions, .get :hese lot of sherkers 'n one room with a handfull of young aggressive go getters, .an old bussinessman without the simplist notion of the real world to talk to them about the oys of being self-employed . . "If you wi sh to adverti se n the Ham&High ( Hampstead and Highgate Gazzette) ?et your workmen to write the ad. . " spalls out un-stopped. They get out the cricket bat. .the old bussinessman to tea- - ch the elementals of workhood. .The cricket rules, .then matter them to death with the psychological cr'cket bat. no -ules. . " My advice s to trust nobody, .trust Nobody. . " ?ommbard us with attitudes way out of I'ne. .old school .eachers whb are trained in the old fashion and have deve •" -loped amazing skills of being able to talk to a room full ?f completely bored. .restless. .drop out silience to quest- -ions..talk as 'fthere 's all the feed-back a teacher cou- -Id ever use echoing back in interested waves.. .most of hese people intact grow a piece of thick glass between hem and their non-existant pupils so that any even the nost overt signs of boredom enter not through this glass o destroy the speakers own moral. . .unfortunately this ?lass also oblitterates reality completely and the usually 'nd up gibbering wrecks all the same. He begins in the blind hope that we shall emulate his ittitudes and state of reality. . ( Awareness days they call hese. .1 must admit I can't remember a thing about that day. especially that day. ") Byt maybee this. .he says " " There is a small cafe' further down the road which is easonably priced and spotlessly clean. ." We sit there is ong term dole disscoloured clothes he continues. . " And urther down on the same side is a wonderfull French rest- -aurant. .so if you feel a bit peck'sh and also wish to have something stronger while st 11 having availability to food hat is the place to go this lunch - time . .I'll be having i few tipples my self later on. . . " Ay mind went Blank. Hank but c'rcling on the small details, .insignificant but ^3 alt the same. .in this h«'f electronic lighting and dry air bra»n conditioning and packaged for consuption by the state. . Triv'a . . . mere tr'ffles . .detail s flood bra'n . . . No breakfast. . N( Ciggerettes... No money in pockets to buy Anything. .1 could. . I may want to buy ANYTHING. .1 ater on. .no matches to light th long stollen butts in the advertisers (The hand full of planted yuppy flowers that they hope w'P spawn our long-temn brains with greed) ash trays.The mach'ne s here so I''l use t. .the Machine is here so I'll use it. .the machine s here so I'll use it. . . . . .END Back into it . .enter the room with the smart twist of the door knob. .twisted back into the room. .stiff! ng with greasey word; I feel like an egg yolk dropped 'nto old chip oil. .cold slimey oil. .taste 't 'n me mouth. . cold soggy flesh in room of vomit. Why here. use it. .Me. .only here for the free meal and the extn 5 £15 a week. .what bussiness. .wouldn'^dream of it. .egg cold greasy egg for lunch (free-lunch) " The cold light of commercia reality". Jabbs through the haze market force fields drilling int the manifest, .blanks out. Of being rich-:" You need to have Time off now and again to make sure you get your REST AND NURISHMENT. " and of " entities under the law" food now needed . .where is that free food. . . " As long as you obey the rules its not so bad" where is the food. .travel expenses. .oh fuck this. . This is " Market reality there are no rules.. " Then going base over apex down the sta'rs and 'fa to a plate glass window. . . Market reality there are no absolutes here. Palnfull now but you'red stand to ^-gain a few quid. And he even admits himself. . " I'm not sure 'f 't takes courage., ( To gets successfull bussiness ) Or s complete lack of |mag- -ination..." * If you want to pick the bones out your self. . " " SO. . . your money )s literally rotting in front of your face.. " What ? |i Blank . . .blanked g'bberish. . . . submerge into surealism. as ^ the old battle worn bussinessman . . seen there adressing us the long term unemployed ( Beware the consumer reaction)Not so bad Trust No. .customer SBt'sfact'on////with a prof t. They are Nebulus I mean Nebulous. . the.benif'ts are Nebulous. . . ./////Pick out the bones your self. . Cut throat reality, .there is no absolutes. .END. 7^.