I am looking at the reflected last sliver of the wanning moon, seen through the glass of the office blocks or classrooms in the area . a finest slivep is all that is seen I watch it vanish again.It is all 'n speeded motion and I am actually taking part in the moons phases. : ': I am next wandering in the country side with two fields in view. IN the f'rst is a speeded up real 1'fe rllm of hun- -dreds of cattle. Black and white cows followingeach oth- -er in a chaotic line which as I watch becomes the ordered grazing patterns of herd animals.They wander up and down the field in great waves wax'ng and wanning.In the next field there is an assortment of strange and mythical beast wild boars standing on two hind legs they are increas ng in strangness as I real'se they are super-an' mat .There are various rabits and hares and wierd donkeys that threat- -en and charge me as if the are bulls. This, is the wild an1'- -mal field as opposed to the domesticated field prevous. These wild ones are charg'ng about as if ''t\ a party. Two wild boars stand up on hind legs and are frozen 'n solid form.They ere chess p'ece knights carved and, symetr'cal for one fleeting glace.I express suprise and at this mome- -nt they change into Hares in Flamingo poises ..They are .screwing a lot these wild animals and the more they do the more they begin to attain human form.I am observe the gra- -zing patterns and lifes of evolving animals, all is happen- -ing so fast that switching animals into humans.There is no fear felt at these events : the wild boar inspire respect and if any the donkey is fearfull.The rabits and Hares demand a certain awareness as if they cotild strike at any moment, I feel that these beasts like the moon are causing an elec- -trical current to pass through my blood and I can feel as if observing something somehow " behind the machines " the mechanics raw of all that is living.