TWO SPAINISH anarchists not wishing to draw attention to themselves found they were riding through the city without lights on their car. The police were particularly on the look out for these types of offenses soothe two Spainards decided to test out one of their training less- -ions on how. to deal with the pblice. When the car epoproached a stationary police car placed in the center df the road to catch such offenders they took a sharp left turn, as if they were on the run from the police, . The police car chased and stopped them where apon they were repeatedly questioned and searched.The police first thought that they had drugs on them. . .This proved to be not the case. . .The police thought they were on the run after a robbery, .but none had been reported. .Next the street was serched . .and this proved to be negative. . The police were baffeled as to why they had turned off after seeing the police car and they explained they knew . a short cut to their homes that way. Eventually the police had to let them go. .They had been very polite and didnt seem .to have any drugs/fire arms or loot with them. They continued on their way inv's''ble without lights. l