•\3 ANTS AND RATS. WANDERING at random through the city once I came accross a black box that was lying at the side of the road.It was a smooth shiney object that didnt seem to have any joins in it. The cube was "n penetrable to the eye but I knew there wqs a secret of some kind contained within . On getting closer I re- -allsed that .instead of being totally smooth as I had first ob- -served that/cube was made of a multitude of smaller cubes that were arran'ged in an orderly grid fashion accross it surface Nearer still and;! imagined the cube to be of immense proport- -ions for I'.had been walking for some minutes by now and still had not got passed it. Eventually I reached the base of this object and observed hum- -an beings entering the cube in rapid succession. The people seemed to be coming out of the ground through a small hole and each of them were earring a smaller black rectangle with a handel on top of it. At first I though they were build'ng the object out of these other smaller black boxes but a passerby answered when pressed that the smaller boxes contained food. and then when pressed aga'n told me that the smaller cubes that made.:t.he surface of the building were what they called windows. Then the thought struck me that this object contained some k''nd of-a-,:"QueBn ant" and these her workers were br'ng- -ing food for.her. ..•,. they seemed confused when I said "ants" and told- me.'.'" . .No. .this which you are see'ng now is: -.no ants, .this is the Rat Race. , ". On further-observanc''es of the hole from which they sprang and the roda-nt-like movements of the scared nervous creaters I had to- agree. .11 eft the place rapidly. ^