RA BURNING PETE. It was a severly advertised act that involved much danger.- Out from the first tmpression into this small village we were told fn sign and act that this would be but a once in a life. Time experience that we would witness .Three was there a airs of suspended that drifted through the sleepy farmstead feeling of dread as today was the day Fire incarnate in fle- -sh. The two rivals to fight at this day were Arson_-artist -ics of the upper-most kin. Each had trained for years and had brought at the mearest mention of their names a flock of one eyed deaf and most assuridally domb and dum Jumalists of the impecable kind. Greasing their tombs in delight. What these arsonArticists did I didnt/dont know nor did. but over years later a village contact told that there be one and only once a single Arsonist Artist left in that or other surrounding villages today. So it was obvious one had wun. But my suspicians were aroused when I was told the name of that remaining Artsonist was indeed the same name that I had seen exclusivly that fatefull day led une as I beleive the Artist of combustion had Invented a second personality to do battle with and thus to prove without doiitt the sup- -eriortity of the one over the two there being but one all the time.The lack of anything remotely like the avent advertised in the village that day gives me strong Arsonic fuel to this belief I have fo>stored over the years. Seems to sugest so but if so why had they not removed the extens've adverttsms that cluttered a normally uncluttered vllage thoroughfare placed outside of the selected farms that told of such an advent never repeated though daily so. Written in plain chalk against black board without any word of the rivals name nor validity screaming to motorists alike the wordst" Burning peat—Today ".