"OOOIO'Sr'O'OS^-l"^ |5 "006'108"0'05360'1>^ "6"001'08"0"0^ ,'5^.,!'.. '•"' " *-•*•'•%,..ği. ^ ^.^H-.C2'—''.'^ğ-—^^<ğğ< THE BUSSINESSMANS LIE. AN english bu s sine ss man who always prided him self on his immpecable puntualllty however disinclined he was to arrive, was once asked why it was he always said that the youth should be made to serve military as to enforced a sense of di sciplin . He was alowed to prattle on for a few minutes about his s sense of t'e w'th the Great British Uon and using his punc- -tuallityas the cue to the worn phrase " It certainly didnt do me any harm ".„,. Then his talk was cut short by the interv'ewer who made the following observation: " Have your not heard the proverb "If I dont get there on time I'll never get there" ? The bussinessman was thus lost in reason while the quest- -ioier took the liberty to slowly disembowel the freak with the smashed edge of a milk bottle that was lying in the rush hour trafic. ^