CAFFINE ABUSE . , THE EQUIPTMENT AND OTS USES. Good old truth I've got creepers as thick as a man's Diabolical freedom, ,that is . .1 am a cafflne fiend .Many cups drain the ambition of my life's is fortunatly death. PerculatION. .Nettle did our hands wounds and scratches in this serious matter having our killed and eaten brews poured . .one, , number one power cup . .many of them. were sick for weeks to find out who did it. Procure the black liquid first find burnt eaten/extent to cause death to white men of the blues/come on/bubble that glass domed looking glass (I must confess cracking) Concrete evidence tears the deep belt of darkness. Heat is the first stages. .To light fire i requested opem silienos ; Water humidity was so vegetable mattered like a small bla- --ck whole. Caffine Den seee. .sweet taste on the r.t store, .matress covered floor, .a forth Chinese came out.. I determined not to see. .abandon out throats . . strong scr- -atching and itching we passports or no passports.Six hundred people descislon. FILTRATION.. .infiltration pyramid lighted the yards, reac- -hing higher mary's mand mind was still a whirl religious.. . .in plain chalk against black board.. .religion art music. aardvark. . .crossed the blue she returned to steam.offer up the blood great. ^INSTANT . the drill dense cone .. .smaom klls ms the smoke of the crone was mutely musical in the Saltptre sanctum. ,, Church caffine den under the crypt .through the hallways of narrow Nausea the dropsy duet wound mutable music of the ground bean . CHICKORY. .. . wind down gcthe caffine experience back among the idiotic humanities in inconsistant elucidation back with the dehydrated head with the pages of scrwied jabber junk written pages with the coffee stained mattress in the corner with the inaudiable incense hung over back among the crow-bar crowd on every street corner. good old truth. ^ Chare ctor B " Time is relative to density.. " CharacterA " What you fucking on about now" Chatsractot B " Want I mean is that when you are facing as/- eep you 1osemass..anr3 become un-real. .non solid and as such time loses all value..wh8t happens when you sfeen;. dream something that 'asts for an hour or more of dream event time. . .and then wake to find the clock has moved only a few minutes, .this has happen many a time. ." ChaitactrbrA.. " Well you should see a doctor about it then" Character B. ." Many times this has happened and the dock has moved 'only'a few minutes. .1 once had a dream. . ' Character A. fr well Itcky you . . " Character. B., " a dream thatlasted for t en yes ten years of my life. . " . • Character A'.-. ". .you lazy bastard. . " Character B.'." find me wake to see that the clock had past mearly one hour.." Character .."' A.. " Well whAdoesn'^ have to get up for work then. . " , '"^ Character B'..." Time is compressed and shortened . .elastic that is time.. " .' Character A'. .""TVe had enougth of this drivel, .shut up.. " Character B'r.'" Elastic that time is there is however limits.. " Character A. ."Not of boredom, .not with .you it seeems.. " Character .B'.'." and beyond this elast'c l''mit time cannot streatch. .".„.,.., : CharactorA.^" Shut" up your've stretched my innards, .scum . ., shut up. inow.." Character B,.'^But will intact compress ''n inverse nroportion s to the amount of t'me spent dreaming. ." Character A,. ,." Shut the fuck up. .you bore. .you fucking scum. Talk proper, .sense, .gibber freak. .1 ki'l you . . nrcky.. " TChBterr B. . " So it is possib'e in this time to spend a who'e ''ve time dr-eaming and a sleep, .only to wake as f from a normal sleep to, find ones se'f e'derly and lost of say 50 years even.." - • . Character A. ." Micky mouse I k'H you. .dr'nk dr'nk dr nk all day. .yes I kill you. .don't shut up. .die BORING SCUM. " Character B. ." and that ends tonights broad cast on the open univers'ty. .good night and pleasent dreams.. " Charactor B',.''[ i&