The revolution have occured and the new power Is in power the old one chopped up as some kind of demon stafton of what happens to the enemy. Cockroaches have been declared a sacred creature..whole tower blocks are emptied of people, .sacred steel doors are errected at the mouth of every " flat" or shrine, they are seal -ed up and the sacred beasts are allowed to wander freely through the air ducts and the hot water cupboards, .the cen- -tral heating is left on full..because they do Kke the heat. They must think they're o in the heavy dry air of ancient Egypt. . " Fuck the scarab " they scream from their nsect. throats. . " We're more sacred than thou. . " There tower blocks 18/19/24 floors of sacred beeltles over on the hort zon. . there are many of them. . the cost of the stee^ door mantanence runs into the millions but this is for a real sacred and holy reason, .the people d splaced from there homes anade temples are the most houmered peoole 'n the state.There develope their own culture and /nvent music and words to express there state of holy madness. In their divine inspiration they wander the streets aimlessly often they can be seen " meditating" in an alley or doorway. .The holly ones of the beetles, .the four fold divine rulers. .They interestingly adopt the habits of the sacred beetles, .they gather in groups under the cement of bridges, .chaples of ease.Here they develope the strange habit .of not carry ng any money, .and ' trying to ask the passerby what the stuff looks Kke.. One the richest places to find these holy madpeople in Londoonia is where you would most expect these cultured creatures to congregate .Under the theatres and film houses and under the classical music hall. .Here they are the con- -stant inspiration of the celestr'al music of the cockroach spheres. .Down there on the bank of the river they make their shacks where they write books of high art and incred -ibie insight. . . .Not that I've ever actually read one . .No Not me. .tooo difficult, .nor have I ever seen where the wri- -tings go on.. I'm no culture buff sa1! this high art s beyo -ond me but this is what I have read tn the scroll just last week. .there was a two page spread about how they earn at least two thousand pounds a day. .live the life of luxery and how insignificant our donations would be to them.Them. ^ ^ Libral'sm destroys it's self.. . .these liberals tell us its bad to hate those who would see us dead .Abused .oppressed. Obviously these Liberals are christ'ans in disguse. .turn the other cheek, .love against hate in the bl'nd hope the Killers will see the smiles Before the trigger 's pulled. The Moslem theory of like. against like seems more effect - -ive. .homeopaphy. .Sufi/Crowley/maglck/budism. .Quantum physics..all these systems agree also. • Liberals and the Nztional front, .the situation is simular to the fable of the vegetarian would would'nt kill the Cockroach. " They are a menace. .They are a. ..." Liberalism destroys it's self. Trendy tollerant freaks who beleive Facsists are entitled to a v iw . Like the advertiser who wrote and directed TV . ad's and is screaming at the person they are watching television with because they have used the remote to turn off the ad's ^nbetween a film. " Stop trying to conrol my velwing. ,YOU TUST WANT TO CONTROL ME. ...."••: As always its'them in power not wishing to lose it. Liberal Revolution. . .Free market. . .through to the right to buy council houses. . .THE RIGHT. . .right to buy. .tollerate those who wish to buy the council block fn Populars east London.. say itsa road. .the block must make way.. see if they realise us selling it for luxury flats. They can't censor us. . .We ARE the censers. .. Confusion all around as a variety of techneauesare used. ; Conspiracy.. .No. .there is none.. conspiracy has those ille- -agal connertations. .this »s within the law. . We ARE the law. We are the system. .System ? there is none. . .we just all went to the same school. .Race/Sex/Class. .what silly words.. : totally out odd date. .those thing obliterated long go. .idealogo- gy. .a bit intelectual is'nt it. .mate. .1 thought your lot wanted to bum ell the books and send all city dwellers out into the feilds to work. . .Poll what ? . . .Pot. .Drug fiends ar'nt you.S. CHOP CHRISTTEE CHROMATIC CHURCH. .. So . . your lot want to have 10 hours a day instead of 24.. - make them twice as long. .give everyone an extra hour a day to do what they want. .Also shift the work arrival time by one . hour every risy. .kind of infinate flexi-shift. Spread out traveling to work. . .every hour a rush hour 24 .1 • niean . . 10 hours a day. .actually reduce the visible population ^