G:" It is peoples xenophobic attitudes that have sparked this sickly cockroach back lash. .yes It Is this. .and of course people are so narrow minded these days " 2 NT) I " But you cant simply put it done to this narrowed mtnds becasue in the pamflet that you have written it states quite clearly the contraversial practice of holding a cockroach in the mouth for seven consecutive days firstly to understand he culture of this distgusting being . .But also as a reauire- -ment before the council emurgency services will give a small grant'to destroy these pests. .Is this not what you have said ." G:" NO.. you wrote that. .thats your pamflet " 2ND I " BUT. .Havent we change personalities..! thought we had swoped views. . .You wrote that to promote their culture. " G:" But this is the cockroach extremists. . .taht wont to take over the world . . " " . '. 2ND I " But the pamflet is in fact printed by your and your kin. G:" NO its printed by you. .." • ;,,. 2ND I:" I'm sorry I thought we had had changed charaptors a while back. . " ' :. G:" No I agree that all cockroaches should be destroyed but as they indeed do have a culture as you pointed out.Then this must be promoted .We are regular donaters to the-culture promotion fund... , • •• 2ND I" But this is the exact Hypocrasy that led'-me to mention Hitler in my pamfley. .What we want at the cockroach culture center is a yearly fH*fe festival where everybody would be gi- -ven the chance to hold a cockroach in the mouth . .for a week a celebration of their culture, .and your company has infact provided funds for this venture. ." G'" Well we 're actually doing the food. . we have devised ways in which the megre roach can be made. . .Cockroach salad.. um. .cockroach burgers, hot cockroach on toast, .baked roach roast roach, .all very nice and at resonable prices in a delicate atmosphere.They are absolutly wonderfull creatures. " 2ND I:" But isnt this just the. ." G:(INTERUPTING)-" cockroach menu masters .Because we all are a little health conscious these days. Cockroach slimming bread. " 1ST I:" But this is avoiding the central issue of the deliberate Suppression of cockroach culture. Exploitation. . " 2ND I-" (INTER UPTED) G." We have a vast se^ct^on of gold silver and brass cockroaches that are very pooular w'th the middle classes 2ND I'" Yes I can see the appeal my flat in Hail-instead has never had any roaches. . much to my embari smentand disdain.. .How can one discover new cultutes ." G:" And we wish to introduce a l'ecence..a cockroach permit that if you dont possess in a house that has roaches domestic OR wild variety then you will be sent to prision and a 200 pound fine which if not paid by you or the respo- —nsible elected house holder you will remain. . .A very harsh law-but one that if you think about it very necasary looking at the present unfair system of roach management One which we will all welcom once the new laws are running smoothly. . an electoral asset. ." 2Nd I:" But .as to your earring of roach eggs on the shoes to houses un infected is this practice fair. ? " G-" And we do in fact sell roaches which you can obtain from the phone number appearing om your screens.. " *1stI :" Get that number off the screen. This is the BBC and we can have noadvertising except the usual police and polititions ads...And Im afraid that we've run out of Time for this week so I'll have to cut you short I'm. . "' G:^T INTER UPTING IN A QUIET VOICE) " But you must admit we are very roaac reasonable. . ." . " SILIENCE IN THE STUDIO AS INTERVIEWERS SHUFFLE PAPERS AND THE TITLES; COME UP. THEY DONT EVEN WAVE GOODBYE, ^