2ndl "You still havent answered my question . . .my quest- -ion being, " G-" Goats, .kill all goats.. " ^•2nd I " My Question being. . . " G:" Goats, .it says in your weekly scientific journal . .that all goats should be killed. .Goats are not a menace.. .you s s.ay that they are a hazard, a parasite to be stamped out. .You say they area a menace to our homes ..." - < 2nd I " Not exactly in those words... .1 um..the therory be- -ing. . ." ' . Guest-" That all,goats should have their.. .their, ..horns cut off their legs Chopped off. " ' ' 2nd I :" There is a phalic quality in these legs..' " G:" I cruite agree. . " 2ndl :" In those horns..and up right legs...like a mans penis G:" Thats why we believe that everybodies legs should be chopped off not just the goats, .but chop everybodies legs off and IM sorry, .but that includes the cockroaches. . " 2nd I " I see now your've come back to the cockroaches. . " G:" Everything perpendicular.. .Chop their arms off .-..I must write a phesis about how to single handedly erradicate all Fraudian ideology but chopping off everyonesarms and legs. the phalic.... . .cut off every . perpendicular'limb . ." 2nd I:" So now you meentlon it.. " • • G-"(INterupting absent mindedly ) " And & score doe draws are there. " • : SILIENCE AS INTERVIEWERS SHUFFLE PAPERS AND COUGTH SIP WATER. .. .THEN. .ACTION 1ST INTERVIEWE R" So could you tell us Sir Plastic.In your own words how do you intend to go about this mass Genaclde. Anilation of a race . This manifest mass xzenaphobia. . . .Facsistic reponse. . . . .be it as Microbes to the light. G:" . . .As you can see we have the cockroach death in the pamflet. Scientific research into the anilation into the cock " roach menace has come up with the cockroach flame thrower this involves a cylinder of gas and. . Two yards in diameter and the cockroach is placed. . Wriggerling and screaming. . and er. . .we are even thinking ofe exsporting them to America and having them under the fuel as the rocket take off into space .. er. we also have the cockroach brick, .an ordinary , household brick, you can find them in the street. . .but this er have certain draw back for instance when they flight their eggs. .so you would be wise to invest in tbe cock- -roach flame thrower which we can supply at £220 or $400 which you should sent to our company make checrues pay- -able to Sir Plastic Sauonk 39 Newcourt house Pott street london EE TWO. Near the city" 1ST I " Yes I dont think we need an advert'sement for these depraved practices " G:" Actually it f s in the city.." 2ND I " Yes a very desirable area " G:"Yes and we'll be pisased to respond to any aueries that you may have.. .But sent cash. .Yes cash. .Not cheques as you never can trust the postman " 2ND I " I see that this cockroach xenaphobia is auite a lucrative bussiness. . .How can you step so low as to make money, out of one of the most destructive responses of tour .society/today if I may say so " G:" We also have cockroach hammers. .?ri place the cock . . roach .under the nail hit with the hammer and the roach dies but it is advisable to buy our flame thrower £220 or $400 to Sir P;la-stic, 39 .newcourt house.. 1ST I.( INTERUPTING) " well I dont think... That seems to.. . . .you seem to, have avoided my question quite tactfully. .But now if we go back to the central subject.What has this mov- -ement actually'done for society. Improved or as many would say. .and here I speak for the silience Invisable majority of decentjsnd senible people. .Damaged the country beyond repair.. " G:" Well its made me a lot'of money " 2ND, " Is.ee.Jbb creation and the bulking up of the economy therw is that certain gain ..You have many followers.." G:" Thats right but if all the cockroaches were killed I" 11 be out of a job ". 2ND I ". . .and that would be something that many of us would like to see happen.. " G:" You see people have the wrong idea about us. .We would be glad to promote such a fine culture as the cock- -roaches have.We need more cockroaches.And certainly this pamflet that was wrten by an extremist must be destroy --ed.We must have more. 2ND I-" I see you've seen the light.." -. , o