ihe's dead I'm afraid.." I'm afraid . . " 'm..dead . " 'EAR. rush down to the guy at entrance, .outside outside ly we had *ve know before, .you see when I'm on a lob 's no time to waste, .extermination mast be fast .and ^tive. .kill. the equiptment from the van . . a strap-on. . . chemical pack. .gloves . .the essential mask. .and the gear. id with water, .we had to use the dead womans bath for quantities we needed were extreme. The back pack was Lirer'sed and the noozels tested for effect've 60 degree rage. .There had been a sightcng of this cockroach men- and I was'nt go'ng to take chances, .no one could be cted to. •as 'n my veins .why I've been killing now for as long as n remember, .roach, .ant. .mouse, .wasp. .now I know the and no one is going to fool me that the work ''s immoral ny other of those fancy arguments that the pinko's come nth . .Pacafists . .cowards , . shirkers one and all.. Kill. ." Kill" I was muttering in the lift. .the guys have known ong enoughth. .been on many a job together, .they bat an eye lid at my mutterings. We reach the roof and take 3k about. .200 feet in the air. .the grass. .the pavement. station, .every where, .there are the cockroach /ant sites, .crawling all over the place . I've worked with h/ant /beetle for long enoughth to koaow them when I them. .there they are. .disgusting infestation, .there? ing the grass into triangles the most effective way my ;roach ant beings. .They leave a soent that the others may >w back to the tower nest hive home kill. .kill them. . are the roach, .the beatles of salvation that have shown his revelation . .1 must exterminate ..anhilil ate..kill. e sacred roach I swear aliegance to for ever. .1 am their ant to kill their enemy, .the human roach menace will die. an parasites I will exterminate. . ss . . .hay. .boos . s . . when do we kill. . " ? the question from the human lackees I have to work with o. .not ever again. .1 have a new master, .the sacred KROACH. " I quit" were the only words I relied. How human like are the wood-lice that gather on that wall In (i-icy come out. . as In the rain they come out. .as humans would do in the sunny wether or not the summer sun.. They. .wood-lice humans, .ant and cockroach humans, .every one. Hanging desparately to ht the wall.. and scuttling for cover when a giants breath..orea a spot of rain threatens the