Doctor Wast All of the for he was a Ra. Sake Doctor seven Goats flying . Once privelage has taken hold of a man there 's no exorcisticj spell which can destroy the menace of the cockroach ridden culture squirrming in malevenance. Like the dog that runs in the circle in the small enclosed garden around the triangle of only grass^, Human ants carry the chemicals parafin inflamablel liquids and foods liquids cut the square yellow grass patches '• into triangle, .two identical silly looking peices taking the short cut home. .as seen from above, .flashing light amber on the stand pipe errected earlier they cut triangle new. so that the grass square becomes four triangles cut from the shortest path. . , .. Circling always clockwise cutting the irregular garden yellow into a neat geometrical path cutt on one side by the circular endless movement and flanked on the other two by the concre- -te of Human. . .war-time pre-fab.s squares cut into triangle meaningless seen from above telescoplcally.from the tower. Ants below carry plastic containers of food stuffs, .nectar polen. .and the milk from the Bf&'21?cow.4°6.7.$' cockroach in my tapemachine sneaking between the words force me what to write. .8 72}*... ./.. .Resort to chemical attack on this date. .2nd August "1990. .. Carrying cockroach fuels inflamable liquids to bum the menace while they themselves cut the square yellow heat torn grass into those s'ckly neat four triangles on the short . . Yellow centre cut grass-ways in the midst of human cockroach -ism. .Ants sealed in their multi-story tomb squared remains walls . Selaed in flesh in the cardboard surround of the plas- -tic carrying bags containing inflamable liquids as always to bum the menace of their homes, .the enemy within. . All seen in telescopic vision from above the strands of type • ribbon plastic animates the words as written over the scene , . .plastic black word " ribbon coils around their heads .. ) inner voice let out.. .1 stood and stared as the oldman fell over in the supermarket. . starring only. .unable to exist. . The words black coil like blott out the face as ants around cherries do so. I approach the mass and the whole thing . moves as a mutated mass The shadow accross the yellow dried grass tri angles lengthen °19 - '- . and finally night arrives unnoticed as the c'ty is aglow from | the cockroach fires in every home and office, .cockroach i furnace. .I'm forced into anihilation of the menace by black- | -ening their image onto white paper as yet unused. Generate J and destroy throuth opperation of the word ribbon. | Dog's changed run anti-clockwise as the fitres erase the sun • dimminishing ovsr the towers on the horizon, .stand pipe sha-l -dows lengthen and die. The square that forms the ant run vanishes in the dead light. Ants return before no light with the liquids and their rub(sh ex't through black plastic bags keep them in the cupboard. . . .in containers against contamination. .giblets )n black bag. flesh down the image crawls accroes my sand floor again seen telescopically from above represents s^mu-' -larity in form and motion of the cockroach scuttle ant oeoole flighting their term