FILM REVEIW For weeks the rumours had flowed around the small tw'n towns somewhere on the edge of the larger city that the bus that was now pulling in was a new alternative form of trans- -port that had been devised by the collaberation between the scientists and the television programmers. The stores varied between the actual interior of the bus . which noone had seen and the effiecient nature of the timetabling. Get you to the work place in double quick y the shopping center in before closing time. To the bank just as it opened after lunch. All time to make life easyer. Although the bus would be filled in the rush hour filled with commuter to the city/work place it would wait just that little bit longer for the odd straggling workers . .slightly longer that all could get on board, .nothing sinister about that and still get every one there at the train station before the wait at the platform crowd was too long or rushed. No ra'n or leaking roofs nor disturbing engine noise. The bus was a time capsule that took you through the route with anxia.ty or fear of being late. The bus dr'yer waited then lured the small child with the pro -mace " 1'ir'take you right tot the school gates, " and this polite and clean service was on its way. At the termination proggressive organised executives bought the retum'ticket for their journey after work to the home place The r sk that the same bus would not be waiting after disen- -barking from the train in the early evenning was a factor that was beyond possibility.. .some held the new ticket in chock - -olate hot melted eager to please hands ready for some future date others took the bus straight away back to where they had come to enjoy the journey again in the comfortable surrounds, Outside the tinted windows the rain poured down on those unfortunate pedestrians who time had left behind, .still walk- -ing to work or to the car. Getting off the bus the driver shook your hand accompanied by a seductive smile, .welomed you aboard, .lead you to you seat. .the regulars had invested in personalised name plates tn brass.. with a small eppigraph printed below.." Here sits XXX rest in comfort. " a sugar cube to suck on and the driver began the bus like a bed-time story.. " are you all sitting comfortable" then he began. ^