INNER VOICE TAKES OVER. Come on a long boring train journey to the actua1 invoc- -ation . . you in your fat woolen sells ^s all there, he begane for no better reason than to shut up those vo'ces drifting through to pass 23 to run through all recent27 incamat'ons like a mad Crystal hippy. .••••.' • • Fragments cut in patterns mad mummbling voice is. all of the evidence that the average fellow traveler would hear. A mad mummbler on the train a s always.. .take no. notice even though it seems to be comeing from r'ght behind your back ... NO don't turn they may ask for money Tim-e.... have to talk to them about their own problems when I ,'s got as many as them too... .r'ght behind my head that- voice mummbling going on. :. " I must have breakfast tomorrow. " • ...:- " Typical American I bet she's got a ....." -: .: ' " Beans and those.. which are the cheaper brand.-<-,"; " Darty has my mind. .has it on a pole." " Where are my legs ..oh .there they are. " '.. •••• " Must empty the ash tray and clean the walls."- "Cockroach repelant.. .theres nothing more Repeliant than... " " flighted eggs will never come out of my carpets. . " " Kill them not eat them.. " ' . " Uhh. .The ashtray. . " "..Let me see now..eggs..or ..cheese..". . "Ash replenish. .Toworrow or the next day. . "; " I will clean that wall. .ash eggs flighting all over the wall. " "Kill the eggs, .Dry air. .whwe are my legs. .Oh there they " " The heads are on the rhine. .in my cupboard, .must clean th" " That wall.. .blood does sta'n s o badly..." " An ashtray tiled will tongues. . .severed at the root. " "... .and the roaches come gathering at the blood feast.. " " Now. .beans or eggs for tonight, .which will it be.. " " 23p for a custard tart. .thats reasonable.." " Oh no those cheap brands peas are all mushed.. chewed.." "Eaten into the skulls by now. .good stuff that quick li''me . . " " Where are my legs .. .oh there they are.. " • " Stamped the head rows unmarked.." " blank sauares white blocks, .magot flesh white. . ." <^