B returns to seat with theset black , Red smoke comes out of the t.v. and the two characters watch the smoke slowly sp'ral up and cease. A.gives out a response "Ahhh" with a simpathetic voice as If the T.V. is a furry animal. . B. 's gaze intense at the screen moves at the same time to the armchair back to audience.gets up and begins a few steps to the chair with gaze of significance as a sudden heavy book cover slaps down on the arm and the figure crosses its legs so that now a foot is seen swinging bad^ and forth from behind. B. Freezes in fear at the sight of the book cover and thenr re- -covering from the shock sits down slowly as the voice behl- -nd the chair starts to speak as if reading from the book. C " If history relates us correctly it would be a pipe that was passed around the city. .In a society where sitcom was sacred" .. .voice trails off in dreamy thought. A."STop that. .stop that (rises to a scream) STOP THAT." End of act two. 4/ Scene Three. . The stage has been cleared of the kitchen table and in its olace is a wr't'ng board on elaborate stand with three colours aradiat'ng down the board. " Truth" -'s wr'tten in gutter game show letter'ng at the top. ,• p. person ''n white lab. coat stands at the board and charators ^ and B sit watching from chairs.The whole th'ng has the gopearance of a school lesson. C. ( Stands at the boardand taps the truth with a white st'ck.) " Blind truth.. Now lets face facts. . everyone has the r'ght to buy. .consume and Perchase.and it is the right of the consumer . .even the Human race its self,to buy that which is for sale. Now we all have obsessions but what is important is how we cultivate these, .thesefetish loops of unreason..but how we channel them is the important thing. .1 mention casebook one. of a certain person in south London..lived in a cellar for several years, .locked away. .called themselves " Lord Arson" and had the obsessional behavour of lighting match after match after match, .the whole of the walls and ceiling was stained with sulphure and beside the person casebook was a pile of matches that must have approached a million, .dead burnt out sticks as a monument to this particular person's loop of reason. Now when this person was taken into custardy the first thing I did for them was to get them a job in a match factory. .A triffle dangerous you may say but this was in the testing department. And this person was actually paid to perform the same acts which they had done volentarily for several years. The act ceased to become a case for the osychiatric services and ''ndeed became one of the requirments of the job. Now this is the new - sporoach to curng a mental disease. Find the context that the °erson will fit in with. Fit them into the system and the disease "ecornes a virtue. We have long ago however gone beyond th' s ^mple cur'ng oroccess and are now in the posit'on to begin to ^courage and held to cultivate obseessiona1 behavour 'n those '-"Bt were tradit onally considered sane. The system has new ''equirements and situations vacant, . and it is these we have 8 ^y to fill. We need more peoole w th the renititius fetish of ^ving hands from left and then to r'ght. .in double ouick time. ^n normal human situations these movements would seem Z/^