Astral Travel for the television Viewer. J, "., ; As anybody who has not been out of the country-for the . last three months will be aware the politica'.l progressions in the magickal Eastern zones has allowed Increased, free- -doms and scope for travel in these new liberated;;ao;untry of white light. , '•;i.;v^ i';^. ^ ;. 'n Since the destructions of the wall of Chorizpn^it.-is'.now poss- -ibie for nearly anyone to travel freely in the A'strabdLigbt. 'Fully paided up subscribers to the hastily formed-."Satalite Astral B " Satalite te'levisual company may however have the increased protection of increased service fro-m'a comp- -any thats been in the Astral tours bussiness.for'centries.. Explore on your own the wonders of this mythical' ancient' realm.The realm of the Gods was how one cr'tAc: described this new inner land-Now more free than at any other' in. recorded History. Dont miss this oppertunity it may never:; be r.ieo.e.^tied -.again . - - ' ' -f-r '•'-'''",.!,,. nee;- • •. . . . .Due to the obviously Increased demand:.for :this« journey of B life time it is now neccessaryto send-aifyM-.description of Aims .Direction ofvist.and duration before; ;yQU:l'eave^ to your local Astral Police PLC. station .where permission will be decided and safty as to the journey evaluated and ensured Please note that due to the few infiltrators that ruin it for the rest it is now no longer possible to state as destinatton any remotely political location. Nor any remotely political Aims on the police permission forms. ( Plea se: note ;al so that the use of blood in filling out forms is no; longer,.required) Order your space in the white light NOW.::;i'"»-y- .^.'J The Astral puritysociety have stated that th^'Tight^ls clear pure and punchy. . . .Hardly yet bullish and can- make you a lot of money.For youy continued enjoyment howeverplease observe these simply rules: .'..-;;. NK No Drugs what so ever on the Astral pisne.'"^ Please do not use offensive or Pagan language to the guides Subversive behavour of any type will not be tollerated. Although we have invested millions of dollars to ensure your enjoyment and safety please note that no respons- -ibilities can be taken by us for anyencounters with the odd. malignant Demon Incubi Sucubi or Pagan Demi --God"s••thatfWi^Tich beyond our control maybe wandering in^the As-trat'.'P'lane TM . Remember also that the zone is a " Natu're.iReaserve " and as such please observe the rules and avoid speaking to the wood spirits and water nyth-snwho'may tell you that they have some ancient kn— -ow^ edge. or some such trivia to pass on.We are doing alli;w&'cBre•to''•eradicate these pests but as such they en- -dup.1 'r^ "-.v.'o?: ••.;,. • • Reward s'.sre offered by the Astral Police for information leadin^to the -arrest of any " Unauthorised Astral Entities" These take may be any form but Validity of these entities can be tested .by demanding to see their "Christo pass card as"Bny 'forms •of Pagan Origins are outlawed from the light. We-.B•re"hie:re•to ensure your complete enjoyment of this unspolt ancint place in safety and air conditioned tele- -vi-syial 'sealed tu-be transporter We also publish many guide-bbdks^ and •" manifest light" plastic entities models which'-yotf'may<-buy in the foyer after "take off". G