sticker t'ed on neatly with string hanging off them. Anyhow he offered to let me stay there for free and I accept ~ed right away^Hotel prices be ng what they are.I agreed to buy him a mea4 and then an few drinks he drank down quick, ,ta11 g1 asses and 1 We short one next to them re-ordered aga''n and again, .then off to a p'-ib and another w'th his one eye closed and the strangesme'l of c''n8rnon coming off him.'. . It must have been around twelve when I final'y reaUsed I had missed the fl'ght and my chance of gett ng out of the civil service for a few weeks right when he had gone to the toilet and hadnt returned for half an hour and I was beg'nn- -ing to reflect on the even'ng. I stumbled around d'runkenly for my case blindly for the need of security, .found it miss- -ing my wallet as well. . .and then I noticed something by my foot. .almost did.nt see 't but for th6 slug trei! it had left behind it, . .1 looked down casually and •;he sight will stay with me for many years to come from now. as both war- -ning as well as the fonm of a lucky charm hung around the neck. . .Glistening in the dim light of the bar was a large 'red tongue, .sl'rney as a worm of enlarged proportions, end embroidered with a language that I could not understand: some strange tongue. , 5'3