List of all Shrines of Snake Beings
Click below to view details
"The Shrine" Super8 Film 1991-93
Nine Postal Shrines 1993
Shrine to all Saints 1994
Portable Sanctuary to San Jose 1995
Nikola Tesla Shrine 1995
Sacrificial Shrine #4 1995
Shrine to Santa Arson 1996
Sacrificial Shrine #5 1997
Basilica of the Tattooist 1998
NTRA SNRA de las Bombillas 1998
Electronic Reliquaries 1998
Relics of the Saints 1993-1998
Hand of Time 1998
Random Divinity Selector 1998
Mechanical Divination Machine 1998
Eye of God Device 1998
Alternating Current Altar 1998
Personalised Shrine For Karlota 1998
Tattooist's Spirit Box 1998
Alchemical Kali Device 1999
Shrine to the Dead Light Bulb 1999
Shrine to Karl Jung, Dr Faustus and Kali 1999
Spirit Box 1999
Mechanism for the Transubstanciation of Light Bulbs 2000
Relic Alter 2000
Light Bulb Shrines 2000
Electric Totem pole Two (Burnt Clock)
Electric Totem pole One (Light Bulbs)
Monolith One (Standing Clock)
Monolith Two (Burnt Fish Bone)
Monolith Three (Cabalistic Speaker Cab)
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