The Modern Alchemist
The Modern Alchemist The Modern Alchemist The Modern Alchemist The Modern Alchemist The Modern Alchemist The Modern Alchemist The Modern Alchemist The Modern Alchemist The Modern Alchemist The Modern Alchemist The Modern Alchemist The Modern Alchemist The Modern Alchemist
The Modern Alchemist
The Modern Alchemist The Modern Alchemist The Modern Alchemist The Modern Alchemist The Modern Alchemist The Modern Alchemist
The Modern Alchemist


The modern Alchemist is a subculture which believes in the absolute connectedness of Art and Magick, as once was believed by artists and scientists not more than 200 years ago


The definition of the work of the modern artist has become increasingly limited and narrowed down to exclude the realms of science and magick, these areas being dominated by other specialists who have gained a monopoly in these also increasingly narrowed fields. The spaces that are to be found between these narrowed fields, which resemble dried up river beds within the traffic of knowledge, is where the modern Alchemist realm begins.

The origin of art is beyond doubt magickal, from the first cave paintings of wild animals, used to obtain ‘power’ over the object of prey, to the modern television set which uses a complex language of  advanced psychology and simple physics to extract the ‘soul’ from the viewer.



 The modern Alchemist has the ability to see the world as a primitive construct, as the following conjecture explains:…” a world in which the prime religion seems to be the worship of a screen, in front of which the devotee enters a trance, whilst behind the screen a mystifying device called a ‘soul catcher’ or ‘Cathode Ray Tube’ collects energy for the central processing plant, wherein ‘Reality’ is manufactured.” (source of quote: creativity)

This may seem obscure but the point of the modern Alchemist is the same as that of the scientific process “is there any evidence to prove this theory incorrect?”


Then we shall proceed…